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Found 22255 results for any of the keywords angeles amp rft. Time 0.036 seconds.
Playa del Rey, Los Angeles - WikipediaLower Playa del Rey was originally wetlands and sand dune soil, but natural flooding was halted by levees made of earthen soil, boulders and reinforced concrete with a soft-bottom submerged soil that promotes both tidal
Lynwood, California - WikipediaAccording to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 4.8 square miles (12 km2), all land.
El Segundo, California - WikipediaThe city was incorporated in 1917. The Standard Oil Company was renamed Chevron in 1984. The El Segundo refinery entered its second century of operation in 2011. 9
Van Nuys - WikipediaIn October 2005, the Metro Orange Line opened with two stations, Van Nuys station (Los Angeles Metro) and Sepulveda station.
Tarzana, Los Angeles - WikipediaTarzana experiences a hot-summer Mediterranean climate. Due to its inland location, there is a higher degree of diurnal temperature variation than more coastal areas of Los Angeles.
Los Angeles – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livreNativos americanos viviam anteriormente na região, antes da chegada dos primeiros exploradores europeus. Entre as tribos, a tribo shoshone possuía uma aldeia chamada Yang-na, localizada onde está atualmente o centro de L
Լոս Անջելես - Վիքիպեդիա1820 թվականին Լոս Անջելեսը վերածվեց խոշոր աշխարհիկ բնակավայրի՝ 650 բնակչով՝ ներառյալ մոտակա ռանչոների բնակիչները 65 :
Los Angeles – WikipediaIm Gegensatz zur landläufigen Meinung, dass der ursprüngliche Name so lautete, haben Wissenschaftler aus offiziellen Dokumenten von Gouverneur Felipe de Neve, Generalbefehlshaber Theodor de Croix und Vizekönig Antonio Ma
Los Angeles - WikipediaGlasači su 2002. odbili pokušaj otcijepljenja doline San Fernanda i Hollywooda od grada. 44
لاس اینجلس - آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیالاس اینجلس میں متعدد سرکاری نباتات ہیں:
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